

Dan is an adjunct professor at San Jose State University (SJSU) in the department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE).  He is a member of the Human Factors specialty program hosted within ISE, teaching both the basic and advanced Interaction Design classes. This program provides a graduate level masters degree curriculum that includes focus areas in both hardware and software ergonomics.

Educating for HCI at Scale is an article Dan published in ACM Interactions Magazine to share his views on the state of HCI education globally.

In 1991 Dan co-authored Human Factors in Product Design with William Cushman. This book, published by Elsevier, was the first of its kind to address the application of human factors engineering principles to consumer products.  All previous works in the field had focused on military applications.  Human Factors in Product Design became a popular textbook in Industrial Engineering and Industrial Design programs worldwide for more than a decade.

Each year Dan advises a group of SJSU graduate students on their thesis/capstone projects primarily in the area of Human Computer Interaction and related topics such as mobile design, AR, gamification and usability measurement.

In addition to the classes he teaches Dan also gives guest lectures at SJSU within the required curriculum in the areas of software design, UX management, and professional practice.  He has been an invited speaker at Stanford, Georgia Tech, CMU, and Langara College in Vancouver BC.

SJSU ISE program information is available for those interested in learning more, either to become a student, hire a recent graduate, or find internship candidates for your company’s UX department.

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