Publications author, conference keynote speaker and more…
Dan has maintained an active role in the UX professional community as a thought leader, author and teacher for more than 45 years. He is often invited to be the keynote speaker for conferences within the UX area as well as more general technical conferences.
Dan was one of the first practitioners of the Rapid Prototyping method which he documented in the first edition of the Handbook of Human Computer Interaction published in 1988 and through workshops he taught world wide on rapid prototyping beginning in 1987. He is also an expert on UX globalization, design leadership and UX management topics.
A nearly complete listing of his published works, presentations and educational workshops can be found below.
Rosenberg, D. (2020) UX Magic, the Semantic IxD Method. Interaction Design Foundation Publishing, Netherlands.
Cushman, W. & Rosenberg, D. (1991). Human Factors in Product Design. Elsevier Publisher, Netherlands.
Book Chapters:
Rosenberg, D. & Friedland, L. (1994). Usability at Borland; Building Best of Breed Products. in Usability in Practice, Wiklund, M., Editor. Academic Press, Boston MA.
Rosenberg, D. (1989). Cost Benefit Analysis for Corporate User Interface Standards. in Coordinating User Interfaces for Consistency, Nielsen, J. Editor, Academic Pres. Boston MA.
Wilson, J. & Rosenberg, D.(1988). Rapid Prototyping for User Interface Design. in Handbook of Human Computer Interaction, Helander, M., Editor. Elsevier, Netherlands.
Journal & Magazine Articles:
Semantic Interaction Design: A powerful new UX synthesis approach, DMI Review Issue 31:2 (July 2020)
The Magic of Semantic Interaction Design, Medium Magazine web (Jan. 2020)
The Business of UX Management, Interactions Magazine (May 2019 cover story)
The Business of UX Strategy, Interactions Magazine (March 2018 cover story)
Educating for HCI at Scale, Interactions Magazine (July 2016)
UX Globalization, Interactions Magazine (Dec. 2011)
Garbage in, Garbage out, the Agile Way, User Experience Magazine (April 2010)
360 degrees of User Experience management (Guest Editor), Interactions Magazine (May 2007)
Tangible Speculation Revisited, Interactions Magazine (Feb. 2006)
Myths of Usability ROI, Interactions Magazine (Sept. 2004)
A conversation with Dan Rosenberg – interview by John Rheinfrank, Interactions Magazine (Feb. 1997)
Human Performance Evaluation of Digitizer Pucks for Computer Input of Spatial Information (Rosenberg & Martin) Human Factors (Feb. 1988)
Corporate User Interface standards: A new dimension in product form, INNOVATION (May 1988)
Invited Keynote Presentations:
Rosenberg, D. (2021). The Magic of Semantic Interaction Design, DESIGN DAYS 2021 online conference focused on the design community in India.
Rosenberg, D. (2020). The Magic of Semantic Interaction Design, Design Management Institute: Academic Design Conference (Virtual event due to CV19)
Rosenberg, D. (2019). The Business of UX Design, Human Factors & Ergonomics Society annual meeting for the Product Design Technical Interest Group (Seattle WA, 2019)
Rosenberg, D. (2019). UX Theory and Practice, FAU/SJSU @Silicon Valley lecture series (SJSU Business School)
Rosenberg, D. (2019). Digital Medicine Design, Enterprise Experience Community (Rosenfeld Media webinar)
Rosenberg, D. (2019). UX Strategy Megatrends. – Design Management Institute Leadership conference, Boston MA.
Rosenberg, D. (2019). Invited lifetime award talk – The business of UX. – CHI 2019 conference, Glasgow Scotland. Watch the recording on the SigCHI YouTube channel
Rosenberg, D. (2018). The business of UX strategy. Alibaba Design – UCAN 2018 conference, Hangzhou China.
Rosenberg, D. (2018). The language of interaction design. TC Camp 2018, Santa Clara, California.
Rosenberg, D. (2014). De-intellectualization and the Enterprise/Consumer UX Myth. IXDA REDUX14, San Francisco, California.
Rosenberg, D. (2014). The Gap Between UX Education and Practice. IXDA Education Summit. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Rosenberg, D. (2014). The De-intellectualization of Design. IXDA interaction14 Annual Conference. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Rosenberg, D. (2013). A Life in UX – The Next Generation of HCI Careers. UXA SJSU Inaugural event, speaker series, San Jose State University, San Jose, California.
Rosenberg, D. (2009). The Human Factor as an integral Component of Quality Measurement. German Quality Engineering 20th anniversary conference. Frankfurt, Germany.
Rosenberg, D. (2009). The Industrialization of Sustainability: Roles, Responsibilities and Opportunities for User Experience? HCI International, San Diego, California.
Rosenberg, D. (2008). Collaboration in Enterprise Software. Jive Enterprise Software Summit, Aspen, Colorado.
Rosenberg, D. (2007). The Deconstructionist Design Paradigm. Usability Professional Association (UPA) Hangzhou, China.
Rosenberg, D. (2006). The Deconstructionist Design Paradigm. Darmstadt Technical University. Darmstadt, Germany.
Conference Papers:
Frascara, J., Gardien, P., Noël, G., Rosenberg, D., Stappers, P.J.,and Wild, D. (2023) Towards strengthening Methods in Design Education and Practice, in Derek Jones, Naz Borekci, Violeta Clemente, James Corazzo, Nicole Lotz, Liv Merete Nielsen, Lesley-Ann Noel (eds.), The 7th International Conference for Design Education Researchers, 29 November – 1 December 2023, London, United Kingdom.
Vaidyanathan, V. & Rosenberg, D. (2014). “Will use it, because I want to look cool”. A Comparative Study of Simple Computer Interactions using Touchscreen and In-air Gestures. Proceedings of HCI International 2014. Crete, Greece.
Andre, A., Elkerton, J., Portigal, S., Ratzlaff, C., Saffer, D. & Rosenberg, D. (2010). Blasphemy or Pragmatics; When NOT to Follow User-Centered Design Techniques. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54th Annual Meeting 2010. p766.
Kumar, J., Rosenberg, D., Hofmann, P., & Arent, M. (2009). Designing International Enterprise Software. Proceedings of HCI International 2009. San Diego, California.
Marcus, A., Ashley, J., Knapheide, C., Lund, A., Rosenberg, D. & Vredenburg, K. (2009). Survey of User-Experience Development at Enterprise Software Companies. Proceedings of HCI International 2009. San Diego, California.
Rosenberg, D. & Gajendar, U.(2004). 24/7 or Bust – Designing for the Challenges of Global UCD. Proceedings of CHI2004 conference. Vienna, Austria.
Rosenberg, D. (1987). Internal and External Visual Metaphor in the Design of Smart Product Interfaces. Proceedings of the Interface87 conference. Rochester, NY.
Mankin, R., Rosenberg, D. & Reiner, R. (1984). Human Performance Simulation for Office Products. Proceedings International Conference on Occupational Ergonomics.
Reiner R., Rosenberg, D., Frank, A., & Becker, J. (1984). An Analytical Model of the Man Machine Interface. Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium. Toronto, Canada.
Rosenberg, D. (1981). Human Factors for Portable Products, Human Factors Society1981 Annual Meeting. Rochester, New York.
Rosenberg, D. (1981). Designers Guide to Portability, 3rd Symposium on Human Factors and Industrial Design for Consumer Products. Rochester, New York.
Workshops and Tutorials Taught:
Rosenberg, D. (2022). Game Theory for Interaction Design. HCI International Conference 2022 tutorial, June 29.
Rosenberg, D. (2021). The Conceptual Model foundation of IxD. HCI International Conference 2021tutorial, July 26.
Rosenberg, D. (2021). Game Theory for Interaction Design. HCI International Conference 2021tutorial, July 27.
Rosenberg, D. (2021). Interaction Design: 10x Faster, 10x better. Rosenfeld Media Workshop. Virtual course taught over 3 days. Jan. 12-14 & Aug. 11-13, 2021.
Rosenberg, D. (2012). Communication Approaches to Influence UX Leadership CHI 2012 conference – Management & Leadership pre-conference workshop. Austin, Texas.
Rosenberg, D. (2011). Management of User Experience Teams Case Study. CHI 2011 conference – Management & Leadership pre-conference workshop. Vancouver, Canada.
Rosenberg, D. (2007). Management of International HCI Teams. Usability Professional Association (UPA), Hangzhou, China.
Rosenberg, D. (2007). 360 Degrees of HCI Leadership. China Usability Professional Association annual meeting (UPA), Hangzhou, China.
Rosenberg, D. (1993). UI Prototyping for GUI Products in the 90’s. InterCHI Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Rosenberg, D. (1993). GUI Product Design.Software Development, Santa Clara, CA.
Rosenberg, D. (1992). GUI Product Design.Software Development, Santa Clara, CA.
Rosenberg, D. (1991). Rapid Prototyping & UI Design Techniques. Meeting of the British Computer Society HCI group, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Rosenberg, D., Wilson, J., & Nelson, M. (1987). Rapid Prototyping. ACM Computer Human Interaction Conference (CHI88). Washington DC.
Rosenberg, D. & Wilson, J. (1987). Rapid UI Prototyping. Interface87 (HFS/IDSA Joint meeting). Rochester, NY.
Rosenberg, D. & Wilson, J. (1987). Rapid Prototyping. Human Factors 1987 Society Annual Meeting 1987, New York, NY.
Seminars and Guest Lectures:
Rosenberg, D. (2024) Designing in the Age of AI. Invited lecture in the HumanTech educational event series sponsored by SWPS University, Warsaw Poland.
Rosenberg, D. (2022) Designing for and with Artificial Intelligence. Webinar hosted by the Rosenfeld Media. August, 11, 2022.
Rosenberg, D. (2022) Designing for and with Artificial Intelligence. Master class hosted by the Interaction Design Foundation. May, 5, 2022.
Rosenberg, D. (2022) Designing for and with Artificial Intelligence. Guest lecture hosted by the Hochschule Luzern. April, 13, 2022.
Rosenberg, D. (2022) Creating Actionable Personas. Master class hosted by the Interaction Design Foundation. March, 24, 2022.
Rosenberg, D. (2021) Foundation of Successful Design Systems. SAP DesignBytes speaker speaker series. March, 2021.
Rosenberg, D. (2021) The Magic of Semantic IxD World Class Designer Conference, 2/18. Africa Intercontinental Event.
Rosenberg, D. (2020) The Magic of Semantic IxD – Virtual Book tour presentation. Delivered to the UX teams of over 30 companies including IBM, Cisco, SAP, Atlassian, DocuSign and Facebook. Also delivered at Georgia Tech, Colorado State Univ. and for several professional organizations include the HFES and UXPA. Over 3000 live attendees plus more who watched the recordings later.
Rosenberg, D. (2020) The Magic of Semantic IxD Carnegie Mellon HCI Institute seminar series, 2/14. Pittsburgh PA.
Rosenberg, D., (2019). UX Magic: The semantic IxD method. Interaction # 9 Meetup @ ThoughtSpot, 11/21. Sunnyvale CA.
Rosenberg, D., (2019). Interaction Design Education: How UI standards (don’t) fit in. Goggle Material Team, 4/26. San Francisco, CA.
Rosenberg, D., (2019). The De-intellectualization of Design, Symptoms, Disease and Antidote. BayCHI chapter monthly meeting 3/19. Palo Alto, CA.
Rosenberg, D. (2016). Digital Medicine User Experience Design. OpenIDEO innovation meet-up a the dSchool. Stanford University.
Rosenberg, D. (2014). HCI Uncovered – Career path trends. SJSU UXA student group sponsored lecture series. San Jose State University.
Rosenberg, D. (2014). HCI@Scale – The gap between theory and practice. Georgia Tech Univ.
Rosenberg, D. (2014). The Danger of UX Design De-Intellectualization. AutoDesk “Sum of the Parts” monthly UX invited speaker series. San Francisco, CA.
Rosenberg, D. (2014). The Enterprise vs. Consumer UX myth.UXA SJSU seminar series, San Jose, CA.
Rosenberg, D. (2012). UX101 – How Interaction Design Affects Business Strategy. Langara College, Vancouver, Canada.
Rosenberg, D. (2010). HCI’s Role in Global Sustainability. UPA International Conference, Munich, Germany.
Rosenberg, D. (2005). SAP User Experience Strategy. Second Bangalore sigCHI Meeting. Bangalore, India.
Rosenberg, D. (2004). Challenges of Global HCI. Georgia Tech/Atlanta sigCHI chapter local meeting. Atlanta, GA.
Rosenberg, D. (2004). Challenges of Global HCI. San Jose State HFES student chapter meeting. San Jose, CA.
Rosenberg, D. (2004). Usability in the Silicon Valley. MIT Club of Silicon Valley, Palo Alto, CA.
Rosenberg, D. (2003). 360 Degrees of Management for Successful Usability Groups. Nielsen/Norman UE Executive Forum. Chicago Illinois.
Rosenberg, D. (2003). 7 Myths of Usability ROI. ACMBayCHI local chapter meeting. Palo Alto, CA.
Rosenberg, D. (2001). Three Generations of Web Application Design at Oracle. BayCHI chapter meeting, Redwood Shores, CA.
Rosenberg, D. (2001). Web Application Design. Nielsen Norman Group World Tour (Washington DC 10/22/01, London 11/6/01 & San Francisco 6/3/02)
Rosenberg, D. (2001). Building Websites with Oracle Portal. The Web Hosting Conference.
Rosenberg, D. (1993). Who’s Papering Over the GUI Cracks? Windows & OS/2 Conference
Rosenberg, D. (1993). GUI Product Design in the 90’s, Borland Developers Conference
Invited Panel Participation:
Frascara, J., Gardien, P., Noël, G., Rosenberg, D., Stappers, P.J.,and Wild, D. (2024) Towards strengthening Methods in Design Education and Practice, Webinar hosted by Lucern University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Dec. 9, 2024.
Rosenberg, D., Welchman, L., Bowles, C. (2024) Day 1 Panel participant reflecting and recapping Designing with AI 2004, Rosenfeld Media conference, June 4, 2024.
Maj, K, Sypniewski, D., Rosenberg, D., Rayss, A., Nowacka, A. (2024) Designing in the Age of AI. Invited panelist in the HumanTech educational event series sponsored by SWPS University, Warsaw Poland.
Hailpern, J. & Rosenberg, D. Why Drag and Drop Development is a Drag. Advancements in UX Design and AI that are changing frontend development. Kleeen Software Seminar Series. August 8, 2021.
Kumar, J., Rosenberg, D., Courage, C., Rohn, J., Kamm, L., Anderson, L., Holsberry, C. & Chavan, A. (2012). Diversity panel moderator: Women in UX Leadership in Business. CHI’12: Proceedings of the 2012 ACM CHI annual conference.
Rohn, J., Wixon, D., Rosenberg, D., Ashley. J. & Tesler, L. (2012). Managing UX Teams: Insights from Executive Leaders. CHI EA ’12: Proceedings of the 2012 ACM CHI annual conference.
Jain, J., Courage, C., Innes, J., Churchill, E., Lund, A. & Rosenberg, D. (2011). Managing Global UX Teams. CHI’11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Kumar, J., Rosenberg, D., Arent, M. Wichansky, A. Kolhatkar, Kiris, E. Wilson, R. &. Lund, A. (2011) User Experience Management Post Mergers and Acquisitions. CHI’11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Kumar, J., Rosenberg, D., Arent, M. Wichansky, A. Kolhatkar, M., Longoria, R. Hendrich, B., Lund, A. (2010). Branding the Changing Enterprise – Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on UX Organizations. CHI’10 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Rosenberg, D., etal (2008). The Future Application of Social Networking Software in the Enterprise. Jive Enterprise Software Summit Invitation only conference. Aspen, CO.
Rosenberg, D., Buckholtz, T., Chapman, J. & Zhang, J. (2008). How Interdisciplinary Innovation Helps Startups. Silicon Valley Chinese Engineers Association Jan. 17, 2008 meeting. Palo Alto, CA.
Dray, S., Karat, C-M., Rosenberg, D., Siegel, D. & Wixon, D. (2005). Is ROI an Effective Approach for Persuading Decision-Makers of the Value of User-Centered Design? CHI’05 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Rosenberg, D., Norman, D. & Vredenburg, K. (2003). HCI Leadership in Corporations.Nielsen/Norman Group 2004 UE Executive Forum. Chicago, Illinois.
Anderson, R., Bond, R., Rohn, J. & Rosenberg, D. (2000). Promoting Usability in Organizations. BayCHI Usability BOF meeting 1/28/2000
Anderson, R., Norman, D., Rohn, J., Rosenberg, D. (1997). Organizational Obstacles to User Centered Design. BayCHI local chapter meeting, Xerox Parc, Palo Alto CA. Dec. 9, 1997.
Rosenberg, D., Sullivan, K., Ashlund, S., Horwitz, K., Hopper, S. (1996). Session organizer and chair: User Interface for Large Markets, CHI’06 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Nielsen, J., Desurvire, H., Kerr, R., Rosenberg, D., Salomon, G., Molich, R. & Stewart, T. (1993). Comparative Design Review: An Exercise in Parallel Design. Proc. ACM INTERCHI’93 (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 24-29 April), 414-417.
Mulligan, R., Dieli, M., Nielsen, J., Poltrock, S., Rosenberg, D. & Rudman, S. (1992). Designing Useable Systems Under Real-World Constraints. CHI’92: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Monterey, CA.